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There is no shame in deciding to learn new skills. The only shame is in failing to admit there is a problem until it’s too late . . .

Package 1. Personal Steps to End the Fights

End the fights and attract love and respect . . .
2 Book Package Offer

Package 1. includes . . .

Your Blind Spot

Break out of the bubble that separates you from the people you love

Steps to overcome your narcissism. Easy to spot in others but much harder to recognise in ourselves.

Emotional Stupidity

Are You an Emotional Genius or Emotional Dunce?

Kim’s latest work simplifies some of the most advanced concepts in human psychology.

Please Note that all prices in our checkout are in US dollars.

Package 2. Build a Solid & Healthy Relationship as a Couple

Practice the skills to build a family filled with love . . .
1 Work Book & 2 Audio Package Offer

Package 2. includes . . .

The Love Safety Net Workbook

Exercises to build lasting love

Even when faced with difficult circumstances this workbook will help you gain confidence in attracting friendship & lasting love.

Includes exercises on building the 4 pillars of a peaceful and stable home.

Not a book to read and leave on the shelf. The Love Safety Net Workbook will get you to work building the home-life you crave.

Reconnect - marriage counselling at home

Reconnect 1
Appreciation & Respect

Kim and Steve discuss how to grow past some of the faulty beliefs that can lead a marriage to failure.

If you have ever wondered what enhances a person’s leadership abilities and inspires respect—especially within your own family—this audio is a must.

Comes with a worksheet of action points and discussion topics that will bring appreciation and respect to life in your home.

Reconnect 2
Understanding & Compassion

A series designed for couples to listen to together or in a group setting.

In this second Reconnect audio, Kim and Steve discuss how understanding & compassion lead to wisdom.

Kim and Steve’s discussion in this audio while help get your own conversation flowing towards higher ground.

Please Note that all prices in our checkout are in US dollars.

Not sure what books are right for you? Please visit the Page here Getting Started (page will open in a new tab) and take note of the books or audio products that are best for your situation. Then return to this page and choose from the specials above.

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Book Reviews:

“Kim’s advice matches my 25 years of clinical experience as a psychotherapist. In contrast to much of the misleading information on the internet that confuses the narcissist with a sociopath, Kim gives clear advice that offers realistic help and hope for people who struggle with narcissism in their relationships. Kim is right in her assertion that narcissism is created from attachment wounds and can be healed within the context of a healing relationship that allows healthy dependency and good boundaries. I am so grateful to have found Kim and I constantly refer my clients to her resources!”

Lisa Charlebois – Clinical Psychotherapist and author of  “You Might Be a Narcissist If . . .”

“When I bought your first book I never imagined all the incredibly useful free information that would keep on coming. Your tips about how to understand how manipulative people operate and how to react in a way that is not hostile but strengthening to both parties is priceless! I’m sure I’ll be able to use all this information for dealing with whatever difficult people I may encounter the rest of my life. That makes life seem less scary. 🙂 With great admiration.

Sandra M

“Sometimes it takes insight from outside of the “professional” ivory tower to provide a new approach. Kim and Steve Cooper have done just this … their newly updated book which has been evolving for over 5 years in the online arena, offers a novel approach to working through the dynamics in difficult relationships.

Dysfunctional families are universal, from the highest functioning households to those living on the edge. Far too many of us inadvertently pass on the patterns, habits, and beliefs from our childhood homes to the next generation. Recognizing when we are doing this is difficult, changing these behaviors is an even greater challenge. We owe it to ourselves and to our children to improve our emotional intelligence and to slowly learn new strategies for dealing with others around us.

Co-dependence and narcissism is an interaction between two individuals, both suffering, yet both un-knowingly locked into maintaining their patterns, often escalating into more and more destructive behaviors. Traditional advice has been to walk away from these relationships, especially in their most severely abusive forms … however research has also shown us that walking away from these relationships places the leaving spouse at even higher risk of serious harm. Abandoning the “narcissistic” partner does not help him/her to change and improve, but leaves them even more wounded, and reinforces their perception they can not really “trust” anyone.

Mental and emotional health is not built by continuing to do the same thing again and again, when it is not working. Many families and communities are not heading in a growth promoting direction, so another approach is needed. Kim and Steve’s book (and their associated program) helps individuals to recognize how through empathy, not blame, they can change their own behaviors, their internal state, and their relationships with others. Change is difficult. We all fear and resist change, and we will continue to re-live our own experiences until we understand what and how to change.

Kim and Steve’s ideas, presented in a concise, easy to read style, provide the building blocks for this personal growth. Despite years of training and clinical experience, I still find new insight or re-framing of something when I turn back to their materials. Their insight and honesty provide a valuable tool to anyone wishing to improve their relationships through improving themselves.”

Maria F. Rodowski
MD Associate Medical Director
Value Options Maryland
Past Faculty and Medical/Clinical Director
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division
Johns Hopkins Medical Institute

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